Have you seen a UFO?
Have you had an Encounter / Abduction Experience?
Are you ready for Deeper Knowledge and Understanding to help you get past the fear?
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This is an original photo taken by Brett Parrott (see also links page)
Knowledge is Power, Understanding is Empowerment!

Judy Carroll - "Lorkiah"

I and many others have come to Earth on a guided mission to help humans become galactic citizens. For this reason, we are assisting them to raise and expand their conscious awareness to a higher vibrational frequency, for the good of all. As part of this mission we are helping to prepare the way for people on Earth to understand that there are many human cultures throughout the universe who all share the same God/Source Consciousness.
Through my books, I am relaying the vast amount of information, teaching and messages passed on to me by off-planet teachers and star family.
All of my books are the result of a very special request put to me back in 1995 by the ET Visitors, and are an account of my ongoing contact. See below for more.
Through my latest book Extra-terrestrial Contact on Earth: Lessons in History, I have gone to great lengths to provide readers with a clearer understanding of past and present world events in order to help bring empowerment to all who dwell on Planet Earth.
Information on Human Consciousness and Evolution, ET/Human Contact, the choice between Love and Fear, Crop Circles, the Planetary Shift, ET Implants, Hybrids, Energy, Consciousness, God and the Universe are just some of the subjects covered in great detail and openness.
This book also provides information on many issues such as the Hybrid Program, the Genesis Story, the supposed return of Planet X and the Annunaki, as well as the shadow group and their cleverly faked alien abductions known as MilAbs (military abductions) involving remote mind control, holographic images, drugs and bio-robotic life-forms specifically engineered to resemble the genuine Greys who, along with other benevolent off-world visitors, are here only to assist humanity to regain their rightful place as Citizens of the Universe.
New Releases 2021

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Unlike most books written on this subject, my latest book, EXTRATERRESTRIAL PRESENCE ON EARTH, is a non-fiction account of Earth's history and current situation presented entirely from the off-planet perspective. As far as I know, much of the information provided has not been dealt with previously.

My only 'fiction' book, HUMAN BY DAY, ZETA BY NIGHT, is also told entirely from the Visitors perspective, and all information included is based firmly on real experiences. I wrote it as semi-fiction to enable an easier translation between Zeta Grey and Earth human realities, and also to give readers a 'virtual reality' experience of actually BEING a Zeta Grey.
… and meet my Co-Author
Helene Kaye is the Co-Author of The Zeta Message. She and her family are experiencers of ongoing contact with the Grey/Zeta ETs. Helene works with and assists Judy with the editing of her books. She also teaches and practices Reiki.

Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D. Counselling Psychologist Ret., Laramie, Wyoming, USA.
Welcome, Dear Reader, to an intellectual treat and a spiritual test. Judy Carroll serves well, not only as Scholar and Teacher, but also as a Spiritual Guide. She provides her knowledge of Extraterrestrial (ET) civilizations in a scholarly manner, citing various sources and authors. She not only informs, but she also teaches, comparing and evaluating the various approaches to the understanding of ET civilizations and their impact on the history of Earth and Humanity.
Barbara Lamb, M.S.,MFT. CHT and Regression Therapist, Claremont, California, USA.
This book is loaded with fascinating and important information and references. It helps me to understand the true ancient history and development of mankind, and the negative influences which have controlled (and are still controlling) humans and caused so much negativity and fear in the world. I appreciate learning how we can develop our spirituality and evolve to higher levels of consciousness, spirituality and Oneness. I have had my perceptions of reality expanded in a most inspiring way.
Mary Rodwell, Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) www.acern.com.au and co-Director of FREE (Foundation for Research into Estraterrestrial Encounters).
Carroll is courageous in sharing her understanding and experiences. It is mandate which she wishes to help allay fear generated through media, disinformation and the truth embargo, all of which paints a very dark picture of our extraterrestrial ancestors, especially the Greys, or Zetas. Carroll describes a number of intelligences visiting us and her understanding of their nature and origins. Her book is a wonderful example of courage and honesty on her part, and it is a fascinating and insightful book which suggests we face our fears, listen to our own resonance to such information, and explore with openness, alternative perspectives to who and what we are.